Thursday, March 30, 2006


Artist: Xdugef
Label: Canned Beef Records
Year: 2002
Format: CDr
Tracks: 8
TRT: 30:00

1. Trolling for Clams in Unlikely Places 4:18
2. There is a Fly in my Bowl of Drano Soup 3:32
3. Geigers Locomotive 3:07
4. The Torture and Death of a Chipmunk 2:35
5. The Nursery Rhyme Slowly Slides into the Gapping Maw of my Alduthood 2:45
6. The Long Drive to Topanga Canyon 2:38
7. Mega-Bith 6:11
8. There's a Crack Baby Downstairs 2:03

"Glad finally I found the time to write a review on one of my all time favorite noise CDs. Xdugef surprizes us here with a nightmarish drone and glitch/bend CD that takes you to another planet where disaster lurks around the next corner. Often you glide through looped soundscapes with industrial feel and events happen on this soundscape - like factories appearing on the horizon or funny beings telling you their story of thorrow and demise.

There is no uphill in this glitched out spaced out slow drone world - everything ends in decay, loss, loosing of parts. Tracks are frequently engulfed in slow sad melodic lines of humming from some transistors. Hard to describe because this CD is certainly in its own category.

Overall, it is in the realm of ambient noise with an industrial feel to it for the choice of sound and the looped character. A lot of distorted and screwed up sounds - transistors, machines, and tortured toys.

The CD is very well produced and mastered, perhaps with the exception of track 3 - I am sure the artist wants it like this but my car speakers made my car vibrate from nose to ass - maybe the artist wanted to not only have music coming from the speaker but from the whole environment. If so, he succeeded completly . That is one monster bass.

Overall, this is one of the CDs I wouldn't want to part with and has inspired me a lot. Planet X is a result of listening to this. So get your copy today from or (distro) and agree or disagree with this review."

-Kai (Random Insults)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Nova-Sak: Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Artist: Nova-Sak
Release: Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship
Perineum Productions
Year: 2005
Format: CDr
Tracks: 5
TRT: 35:16

This CDr is a great mix of different types of styles of noise all generated into 5 tracks. I hadn’t heard much of Nova-Sak myself until I traded with him and this release is one that I probably would have bought had I known of him earlier. Since there on only 5 tracks and the length is somewhat like an EP I will review each track separately instead of the disc as a whole.

All tracks are untitled. Track one starts off the disc nicely with a quiet drone and a rotated click in the background that builds up speed. The clicks then become distorted and the track finally fades up to a soft drone that continues to the next track. Not much is to be said about the first track but it’s hard to describe, good none-the-less. The 2nd track is more on the experimental side of things with swashy sounds and bashes with contact mics…so it seems. Not a strong track compared to the rest of the disc but it’s a good listen with your eyes closed. Some of the sounds are interesting and may have been created underwater it seems. #3 is a 10 minute live track that was broadcasted live over the radio. The start is pretty comical with the radioman talking about a large solar flare heading towards Earth. This track is amazing and I’d love to hear more of Nova-Sak just based purely on this live set alone. It starts off with a low amp hum and a soft drum blip that’s looped and altered. A hissing ring is followed and a heavy scraped loop is now introduced that I just loved to death. The track builds louder from here on. An excellent set that finishes well too. The 4th track is a short four minute take with distorted drums and a rotated click, much like the first track, but a bit louder and more bass. The 5th track is the harshest and begins with a vocal scratch for about two minutes and then the harsh walls begin. Looped bass and smashes are thrown in among the walls are harshness.

With this released I got the feeling that Nova-Sak is influenced by the industrial sound a lot. There are good loops that could well be placed in some old Skinny Puppy tracks. The artwork is great. All hand made with the disc painted a soft forest green with what looks like watercolour. The cover is a green mesh print on cardboard and a gold ribbon on the binding. A hand numbered release limited to 40. The label is out of Lithuania and produces great hand made CDr’s, but very limited so you better get it quick.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

MALEBOLGE - Evil Pouches

Release: Evil Pouches
Umbrella Noize Collective
Year: 2005
Format: MP3
Tracks: 21

A Canto…
Featuring drone and noise by Ctephin,
with the glitched drum and bass of Rabbit Girls.
This release creates sound and noise,
that delves deep in the heart,
and gives you an experience.                                                5

The fundamentals created in the release,
are true to the word of Dante.
One gets the feeling that through the drones,
your eyes are being shown the pages,
and leading your mind into the circles of Hell.                         10

The feelings are mixed however,
like being in a state of unawareness.
The heavy glitch attacks of hits and kicks,
from the random drum beats prove to me,
that this Hell is unforgiving.                                                    15

All the tracks are around the same length,
but the variation is subtle.
As each track represents and different tale,
the sound range is pretty much the same in every track.
Good if you like it, bad if you don’t.                                        20

The artwork is superb and shows,
a picture of the face of evil itself.
Do you know what the book is about?
I, my friends, you have been shown all along.
This a release to show the master when you meet him.          25

"There is in hell
a vast and sloping ground called Malebolge,
a lost place of stone
as black
as the great cliff that seals it round."                                      30

Friday, March 17, 2006

Kraftwerk: Radio-Activity

Artist: Kraftwerk
Release: Radio-Activity
Label: Capitol
Year: 1975 (re-released from LP)
Format: CD
Tracks: 12
TRT: 37:46

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This review is best scene here. Cut and paste the code and read the review.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Anthony Saunders - Rehearsal Tapes Volume 1

Artist: Anthony Saunders
Release: Rehearsal Tapes Volume 1
Label: Rehearsal Tape
Year: 2005
Format: CDr
Tracks: 8
TRT: 78:24

Total harsh noise crunch. Well that’s not all. Throughout this massive release, totaling almost 80 minutes long, there exist the harsh sounds that every noise lover can’t get enough of. But Anthony goes beyond just simply creating noise because it’s there. In these rehearsal tape out-takes he presents a broad range of styles here. The harsh blackness of a noise wall knocking you unconscious, the subtle high-pitched screeches with looped effects, electronic glitch mayhem and well produced self created sounds all around, even something tribal sounding on track 4. The track titles themselves are basically untitled, but are listed as "Rehearsal Tape 060805" for example, being the dates that these tracks were created. That being said this release goes from March 27, 2005 to August 12, 2005 so Anthony defiantly spent some time on his creations.

There are a lot of various going-ons in each track. You don’t get the pleasure of just sitting back and relaxing to this material. Some noise I find great to read to because it sits in the back of your mind and you don’t need to be aware of it. However, I can’t say the same for this release. Every second something seems to be changing and when you think the track is over, it’s not. I tried reading to this and after finishing a couple pages I noticed that I couldn’t bloody remember what the fuck it was I just read and found myself looking at my speakers for a second or two. The last track did give my ears a break though. A great 14+ minute ambient tone with clicks and ticks that help soften the brain and return its focus to the real world.

The artwork is a pretty basic one-page style slim case with track listings and info on the backside and a color picture of a pretty attractive distortion design. The cdr simply has a small label on it with the release info. Anthony Saunders has preformed live with over 30 artists, including Government Alpha, Cock ESP and Dev/Null to name a few, and if these rehearsal tapes are an example of his live material, God help us all!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Emil Beaulieau / Armenia - Split

Artist: Emil Beaulieau / Armenia
Release: Split
Label: Bizarre Audio Arts
Year: 2003
Format: CDr
Tracks: 2
TRT: 70:44

Bizarre Audio Arts and Armenia himself are known for split releases. Armenia has released splits with artists such as Government Alpha, Stimbox, and Pain Jerk, to name a few. This split release with Emil Beaulieau is perhaps one of the best. There are only two tracks to the disc; Armenia’s long 33 minute piece and Rons 37 minute live take consisting of three compositions. For general notes, Emil Beaulieau’s live take was recorded by Andy Panicsville.

Emil Beaulieau’s track, basically untitled, is a perfect example of how I imagine one of his live shows should sound like. I never, and probably will never get to see Ron play live, but this track takes me back three years in Chicago watching Ron dance with his machines, tickle the crowds ears, and gyrate his hips with the rotating sounds of his soft metal sounding loops. Throughout the live performance there are a lot of explosive crashes with scraping loops hiding in the background, sometimes the crashes are so loud that the PA cuts out, as noted by Ron himself. The only thing bad about this recording is the one "fan" that seems to be right next to the recording mic. After one of Ron’s compositions is over it sounds as if the guy is sitting right next to you. "Yaaaaaaa-hoooooooooooooooo!"

Armenia’s track, Los Ojos del Lobo, starts out right away tearing your eardrums and pulling veins out of your skull. Blistering scratches are rippled in high pitch frequencies and low bass rumbles are prevalent. This is only the first bit though. The track then switches to a very tactical click play of tweaks and hits, and then it starts with the vocal tone of Armenia, Armenia, Armenia, Armenia, that repeats over the first 15 minutes on the track. There are a few long breaks from this voice but there is always gashing sounds throughout. When the voice does appear it speeds up, slows down, pitches high and low and is done very effectively, like a techno beat almost. It doesn’t take anything away from the track and is great as just good background filler. The last 15 minutes of this track are awesome with this one loop that carries a lot of bass to hit. I don’t even get the feeling that this track is this long, and that’s a good thing.

The artwork is a simple cardboard sleeve with a picture of a couple that looks like it straight out of an LP print from Grease. The CDr is blank with no print, not even text from a black marker indicating what release this is, so don’t separate the two. Armenia’s track is defiantly more heavy hitting than Ron’s is, but I think Ron had more fun.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Cracked Dome - Deception Rituals

Artist: Cracked Dome
Release: Deception Rituals
Label: Barfing Dagger Recordings
Year: 2005
Format: 3" CDr
Tracks: 2
TRT: 21:01

I went for a long and tired walk one day. I was distraught and didn’t have much to live for. The ground was very rocky and I kicked a few here and there out of malice towards my new direction. I didn’t want to go on this walk but I found myself being pulled towards a bright white light. It was as if I was in a tunnel and as I got closer to this light the walls around me began to grow hot and red. It started off as a dark hue and then the red walls became brighter and brighter and hotter and hotter. As the heat grew I began to sweat, and I saw what looked like a figure in the bright light. It was a mere silhouette but I could tell that this was a large man with horns on his head and a cane at his side. "In the shadow of Gods decaying form!" I thought.

The walls grew hotter and the figure danced closer. I wanted to shut my eyes but he was so beautiful and he was luring me over to him with a dark, deep noise. The sound was like a soft hissing drone that seemed to melt my brain and expand my consciousness. I finally made it to him and I realized who he was. The dark Lord Satan himself, carrying a message for me, and a gift. "You are in my Hell now young one," He said. "And I bring you a gift." He held out an old book. The cover was a simple piece of red cardboard with the title and notes on the inside, but each page was hand painted with a gray tone and dots of red splatter in random order. In the book read the following; encrypted messages from a distant blackened star. I fell back and knew I was lost. I wasn’t supposed to be here, but his noise drew me in.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Zdefekt - Complex Breeding Program

Artist: Zdefekt
Release: Complex Breeding Program
Label: Backwards Records / Scatological Liberation Front
Year: 2005
Format: CD
Tracks: 8
TRT: 59:11

Noise improv is something that takes a lot of getting used to, for me anyway. I first listened to this CD and it sounded as if it was just a bunch of random hits and slaps with drums, guitar, bass and electronic glitches here and there. But after another listen I can that this release is very focused and I now listen to it pretty often. There are 7 members to the band, which proves right there that they all have one goal in mind when making this release. To have seven members in a noise band means there’s lots of talk and collaboration before anything is recorded, but, it does sound very improv sounding and that can play well for the fans of this type of noise.

This release is very random at times and with track titles like Naprawo Od Przed Bogiem Przeklinal Autobus one gets the idea very quickly. There are a couple of soft movements in some of the tracks that give you a break from the heavy hits that a good noise jam offers and these are the moments were most of the electronic noise glitches are heard. Some vocals are heard, but it’s mostly vocal noise to add depth to the tracks. Track 3, Krajaine Rodzenie, is probably the best track on here and clocks at almost 21 minutes long. There is a lot of build up and it would have been great if it was just released on a 3" cdr as well.

What I liked a lot about this release was that the packaging seemed to have been something these guys spent a lot of time on. The CD itself had a black underlay, which is something different, but the cover and insert is where it’s at. Cover art is a basic two page fold over that has the CD and insert slip into each page. The insert is a 16-page booklet featuring pictures of the bands equipment and the band members themselves. With noise improv reminding me of the old Jazz JATP sessions in the 50’s, this is one band I’d love to see live.

The Goslings - Between The Dead

Artist: The Goslings
Release: Between The Dead
Label: DIY
Year: 2005
Format: CD
Tracks: 8
TRT: 54:05

This husband and wife duo has been creating one of the best noise/rock fusions out there for the past few years. Each track is blistered with heavily distorted guitar riffs, vocals that echo and engage the listener to hear their voice, and drums by a guy named Steve, whom does a great job at rhythm and random smashes. The movements of each of the longer tracks are great and it shows that these guys just don’t make noise, they perform it, and their creative process is grand. A perfect example is the second track, Brindle. It starts off slowly with drum and symbol hits and a few noise tweaks and then at the 3ish minute mark the track moves to both Max and Leslie singing their hearts out with a beautiful guitar riff. It is such a sad song and yet it makes me feel like I just climbed Mount Everest by the time it’s over.

The artwork is about as good as you can get with a DIY job. There is a 2-sided one-page insert and it features lyrics for only two tracks, Dehlilahia and Seed. The cover art features a medieval looking picture of a Saint holding a bright yellow star with leaves of gold, red and green at her side. The back art is just as good with a tarot card looking fellow standing beside the track titles. It has a Wicca quality to it too.

This release is such a great example of noise/rock that I’ve actually heard this being plaid a few times in used record stores were the young crazed "Goth" chicks look up to the ceiling and wonder what’s being heard. Had this been an LP in the late 70's I think these guys would have made it famous from this release only.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sewer Election - Torpa Freak-In

Artist: Sewer Election
Release: Torpa Freak-In
Label: Harsh Noise
Year: 2006
Format: CD
Tracks: 10
TRT: 59:20

A harsh noise release. Ten tracks of face drowning noise plunge you into his world of Torpa. Tracks range from 35 seconds up to 16 minutes and there is an order to them with Preludes and Freak-ins and Freak-outs. There’s a lot of noise in this release but at times the tracks begin or cool of into a field recording or soft clicks and metal scratches. Throughout each of the longer tracks there’s the clashing and bashing of harsh distorted noise, but the tracks carry something within the ear busting scare. At times loops of electronic rips can be heard for minutes at a time. Computerized vocals it seems in "Bloated Culture" and lots of harsh rips from the master toggle play with pedals and switches.

I hate saying this but this release reminds me a lot of Merzbow’s "Hybrid Noisebloom". The sounds push in different directions and last 0.5 seconds each all-the-while you have a loop thrown in the background, very effective. Another note on this release in there seems to be two styles in one on this disc. 1) The harsh noise and 2) the metal clashes that sound as if they are recorded "live". You don’t get any warning either, they just appear and it works so well. Noise is about random sounds, in my opinion, and this release does it perfectly. Like a tide slashing over your body as you regain muscular function after a Torpa Freak-out seizure.

The artwork is simple and is the format that Harsh Noise uses for each release. Blue covers with a one-page insert that contains a website or two and a picture. I like simplicity in art and I like to see originality too, but I buy a release more for the sound anyway. The artwork is done professionally but having a format for each release can take away from the artist input for their release. Torpa Freak-In is a harsh noise masterpiece and I bought it from a recommendation, you do the same now.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tomas Jirku - Entropy

Artist: Tomas Jirku
Release: Entropy
Year: 2002
Format: CD
Tracks: 11
TRT: 72:00

Tomas Jirku, the master of structured sound and always pushing new ground with his style of minimal ambient creations. "Entropy" is an album that is now currently out of print but is such a good example of how noise and dub can work together I thought I’d review it anyway.

The eleven tracks that make up the disc all work together as if it is an epic 1 track recording. Each track moves gracefully into the next and there is no breaks, save for the 2 short seconds between track 10 and 11. The track times are listed in seconds, which are rounded off to 3 decimal points and range from 352.392 seconds to 432.261 seconds long. A very exact method, speaking of which, the track titles go from words like; "Enthalpy", "Isothermal", "Adiabatic" and "Cyclic" to name a few. A sound scientist he is!

All the tracks pretty much has the same feel to them. Minimal dub sounding beats and bass hits with splashing clicks muttered throughout that are just barely audible. Tonal horn’s plummet rhythmically throughout most of the tracks and there also occurs the random swoosh here and there. A magical and melodic, yet reactive listen. My senses told me to dance.

The artwork is a three-page fold out paper sleeve with sewn, yes sewn, stitches across the front to slip the cover into and close. A very dank and dark picture of a deep forest is shown to mark this release. The only negative I can say about this disc is that each track seems about 1 minute to long and they can get a little repetitive, but most dub techno is anyway. A clean and natural release overall. Can you say; Ba(OH)2*8H2Os+2NH4NO---->Ba(NO3)2(s)+2NH3(aq)+10H2O(1)?

The Rita/Filthy Turd: Kill The Woman, Rape The Men

Artist: The Rita/Filthy Turd
Release: Kill the Woman, Rape the Men

Year: 2005
Format: CDr
Tracks: 2
TRT: 69:11

The "walls of noise" release. Two of the heaviest tracks around delivered by two of the most respected noise artists doing this type of noise. The Rita offers a 35 minute crunch fest of low bass scratches and barrages that seem to have two different channels, one centered and one in the right ear. A wall of noise drone titled "Green suit, black depth". That continuos drone of his that makes death seem all too peaceful. The Rita wants to take you to a scary place, rip out your eyes, seal your eyelids with super-glue, and pull the face of "River fish-woman monster evil" over your screaming works well and I can't take much more of it.

Filthy Turd creates his 34 minute version; "The fish-woman has her finger in your arse-hole". This track has a lot of channel movement and most of the noise seems to be generated from yells and screams, either Filthy Turd himself or samples, not sure. This track is also a lot more textured than The Rita's. There are more sounds ranging from ear to ear and the noise has a less menacing quality to it, but it's still loud as fuck. I get the feeling that these creatures want to take me by surprise, bend me over, and stick large wooden pikes up my ass. It hurts!

Not much in the way of packaging but the knife wielding fish-woman on the cover is great. The Rita's track has a crisper feel to it and it is much louder in terms of stereo play, but when dealing with noise walls, you can't be picky.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Rabbit Girls - Hard Drive

Artist: Rabbit Girls
Release: Hard Drive
Label: Roil Noise Offensive
Year: 2006
Format: 3" CDr
Tracks: 5
TRT: 17:48

This is total glitch noise. The first 4 tracks; Eating Out Of Boredom, Stress Fracture, Lost Hope Machine, and Hard Drive represent what the sound of glitch and its randomness is all about. The last track, Hack Glitchery, is pretty harsh and will appeal to the metal heads as all the samples and material in this track seem to be grind core smashes. Spastic clic’s and fucks with samples is prevalent throughout the tracks. The 1st and 4th track have a lot of vocal samples played in the background that add a soft tone to the craziness going on in front of your ears. The last two tracks feature a great ambient project called Ctephin. I’m not exactly sure what he adds to the two tracks because there is so much going on. Whatever it was it was great. Lots of bass and drums are used throughout this disc as well and the release sounds best when played uber loud. Like most noise is, but glitch is hard to get into at times, so trust me on this. Play it loud!

The artwork, yes! This is pure genius. The CDr is placed on a perfectly rectangular piece of computer board with the disc being held in the center top. The tracks are listed on a transparent paper leaf that is wrapped around the computer board. Very clean and very well presented. When I ordered this I hadn’t scene the art yet. I opened it up and actually laughed out loud saying; "Christ this is cool." Makes me wonder were Noah got all those boards from, hmmmm.

Still for order and still kicking ass. Rabbit Girls is a glitch band that should be around for a long time with originality like this. 5th track quote; "I wondered if it'd be louder with bigger wires."