Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wolf Eyes w/ John Wiese - Equinox

Artist: Wolf Eyes w/ John Wiese
Release: Equinox
Label: Troniks
Year: 2006
Format: CD
Tracks: 1
TRT: 44:31

A year and a half of recorded sounds in this disc. July 2004 - December 2005. Something tells me I'm in for a fucking ride. I'll start with the artwork. A cool looking black and white collage that looks very depressing and to make it better, it folds out into a poster to fit your highschool locker. This is pretty much a winner disc here. You like Wolf Eyes or John Wiese? Then fucking buy it!

"Equinox" features a 41 minute piece of digital delay, echo loops that fade in and out, heavy soundscapes that seem to change every 20 to 30 seconds. This is a disc that you'll never get bored of just from the simple fact that there is so many sounds coming at you. This isn't harsh noise but there are some good pieces of sonic blasts, just to check your head. A few times you get a high pitched kick in the ass and some hard ass looped bass hits too. The production in top notch as well. I will say one thing. There is a creepy feel to this long track and that being said it is my pick for that Halloween listen this year. This should scare those fuckers off my lawn quickly!

I won't spoil the ending for you but it's a blast!