Monday, November 20, 2006

Vomir - Encore

Artist: Vomir
Release: Encore
Year: 2006
Format: 5" CDr
Tracks: 1
TRT: 22:44

Total brutal harsh wall noise. Or so it says on the package; Nihilist Harsh Wall Noise. I'm a big fan of wall noise and all I can say is that Vomir knows what he's doing. The crisp crunches and bass like wall drones are something that I look for in this style and he does it very effectively. There are however a few points to make. This is almost like an Aube release in the fact that it is 22 minutes of almost the same sound. You don't notice much of a change in pitch until 5 minutes into the wall blast. There are a few channel switches here and there too, which help add depth to the track but I would have like to see more. I do however like the fact that it's only 22 minutes because I think I would have no bothered listening to the end if it was over that.

The packaging is about as DIY as you can get. Black and white art in a plastic sleeve. The cdr itself is just that, a cdr. No writing on it at all. Which I hate, just write the band name on it or something....please. All in all, if you like wall noise and need a good example of it then this is a great demo. I would love to here more Vomir in the future and maybe it could be packaged just a bit better too.